Monday, July 5, 2010

The Weather Outside is Weather

I've started wearing my 'it's really fucken cold' coat.
I don't like it much but.. It's really fucken cold.
I'm very much a female in the aspect that I'm always cold.
(I'm also always late and couldn't find my way out of a paper bag should you give me directions...
I enjoy adhering to stereo types, less room for disappointment)
Ask the guys at work, most days I'll sit at my desk wrapped up in my jacket and scarf.
Looking like a weirdo.
I have yet to bring a heater and/or a hot water bottle to work, but believe you me, the thought is not far from my mind...

I mentioned in my last entry that my room resembles a chilly bin in the mornings (And during the day, and at night... All the time).
It get's below 5degrees.
It is not a good start to the day.
So last night I decided to follow through with the experiment of lower body temp whilst trying to sleep.
So I shut off my blankie and turned on the oil heater in my room.
And wonders never cease, I was out like a light.
It may have had something to do with the fact that I was off my face exhausted from not sleeping the night before.
But shut up, let me bask in my moment of science.

So I decided I like having the oil heater in my room, thus not waking up with frost coating my duvet.
I promptly decided I didn't like having it on when I checked my email and saw a power bill for NEARLY $400.

Ow ow ow ow my bank balance.

You bastard power company, charging me so much to stop from me developing pneumonia.
May as well just take my chances because the doctors bills will be cheaper.
Should probably start just buying new clothes instead of drying them as well.
Oh! That's another piss off! We HAVE to use the dryer to dry our clothes.
We can't hang it on the line because the weather is all bi-polar bear, we can't hang it inside because it's colder in than out and nothing ever dries just gets cold and stinky.
There's just no winning!

So my remedy is to fill up the gas bottle.
Good plan!
Only temporary.
Because I can't keep that on over night.
And I'm still going to wake up and freeze my metaphorical balls off.
And obviously I can't keep it on during the day, so chances of drying washing are again slim.
I am, my friends, stumped.

Unless you're awesome enough to own one of those god-incarnate-in-a-robot devices we like to call heat pumps, there is small chance that you're able to keep your home comfortably heated at all times.

So once again.

I'll just deal with it.

We'll dry our clothes in the dryer, the kids will have their oil heater (because I'm cruel, but I'm not that cruel), I'll have my electric blanket and I will continue to wake up to icicles hanging from my ceiling.

Life Lesson number Three:

Harden up.

1 comment:

  1. yes. i am cold 99% on the time too... you could tell because last time I came out of the 2 dollar shop I held a thermos, a hot water bottle, and fingerless gloves.

    I now leave the heater on low all night... fk the power bill... theres four of us to pay it :P Id rather still have my toes attached thanks.

    Solution? Lets all move overseas. woot.
